#SafeIsSmart for National Safety Month

cover photoHi Ladies,

As a huge advocate for women’s safety, I am super excited about the #SafeIsSmart campaign sponsored by Sabre personal safety products.

June is National Safety Month, so what a better way to kick off the conversation around women’s safety!

Here’s 3 ways that I practice personal safety on a daily basis:

1. I never text and walk. I always wait until I am seated somewhere safe before engaging in my conversations and taking my focus off of my surroundings. #SafeIsSmart

2. I never post my location in real time. If I post a photo or update to Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter that has hints or details of my location, I wait until I have left that place before I post the update. #Latergram

3. I practice my self defense Hapkido moves in my daily fitness routines, even if it’s a couple of minutes a day. It keeps it fresh on the brain! #SafeIsSmart

Now it’s your turn! Post a safety tip that you practice in a comment below or on your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and every time the #SafeIsSmart hashtag is used, Sabre personal safety products will donate $1 to RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network).

Watch this quick video for more #SafeIsSmart inspiration!