How to Get Enough Protein on a Vegan Diet

Have you been thinking lately that you may want to chill on your meat consumption? Getting weighed down by all the BBQ’s, bacon and burgers you’ve been splurging on? Maybe you just want to take a break or if you’re more Type A, you want to go completely cold turkey (ha!) and experiment with a vegan diet? Either way, I commend you on taking the step to a more plant based diet.

There are so many beneficial reasons to eat a more plant based diet that affect your health in a positive way, your waistline, and even our environment! More to come on all of these reasons…

For now, watch this video for some ideas on how to get enough protein on a vegan diet to help you balance your blood sugar, rebuild muscle tissue damage and feel satiated. PS- I’ve given you a cheat sheet below!


1 scoop Vega protein powder (plant based):                           20g
2 tbsp almond butter:                                                                   7g
2 tbsp peanut butter:                                                                    8g
½ cup peas:                                                                                     8g
½ cup lentils:                                                                                  9g
½ cup chickpeas:                                                                            6g
½ cup edamame:                                                                           11g
4 ounces tempeh:                                                                         20g
1 cup quinoa:                                                                                  8g
2 tbsp Hempseeds:                                                                       10g
1 slice Ezekiel bread:                                                                    4g

If you’d like more help I have just launched my new Strong, Safe & Sexy 21 Day meal plans! There’s a vegan, gluten-free and paleo meal plan for you complete with recipes, shopping lists and calendars. Easy breezy lemon squeezey. Enjoy!