Spring Clean Your Confidence

Sure your closets may need a refresh right about now and your pantries can be cleaned out. But have you thought about all the mental cobwebs that have been growing in your mind over the last few decades?

The springtime is always a great time to do some cleaning, but when it comes to your mindset, ANY time is a good time to take out the duster and get busy cleaning and purging.

The mental cobwebs I’m talking about are negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that have taken up space in your mind for far too long.

They have probably thwarted your mental and emotional growth and they could have stopped you from doing things that make you feel good like investing in your future self.

When we stop investing in our future self, we stop growing and we get static.

That’s why I created this video on 3 confidence conundrums that many of us let take up space in our precious little heads.

In this video, I’ll explain 3 misconceptions that we often hold onto about our confidence and self worth that may prevent us from doing some really cool shit.

Need to send that email?
Going after that dream client, job or project?
Start that side hustle?
Register for the bootcamp?
Take on a new way of eating and nourishing yourself?

You got this! Watch the video below to start cleaning the cobwebs now. If you’re ready to go full Marie Kondo, then head over here to get instant access to the FREE She Warrior Confidence Course. You’ll get 5 days of emails and videos to remind you of the true badass warrior you really are!