6 Things That Wreck Your Immune System

Holy moly! This is bananas. With the coronavirus now labeled a pandemic, these are uncertain and stressful times we are living in. However, we don’t have to choose to succumb to absolute panic mode.

During any crisis, we can pose the question, what CAN we do? Instead of just complaining about what we can no longer do. What we all CAN do is take a proactive approach to our health and safety. That feels empowering and like we may have even a tiny bit of control in a situation that feels really out of control.

There’s never been a better time to get into action around your wellbeing: mind, body and spirit.

In this video, I highlight the 6 major areas that wreck your immune system. Your immune system is your last line of self defense against the coronavirus and all dis-ease in the body.

We all need to follow the CDC guidelines about social distancing and staying home, but there is SO MUCH MORE we can do to help stay well and fight off sickness and infection.

I’ll give you a hint here, STRESS is the biggest immune system wrecking ball. And this time in our lives is super stressful. You may be out of work, watching your retirement account get hit or trying to figure out who is going to watch your kids. I hear you. That’s why stress management is going to be super important to ALL of us over the next few weeks, months and going forward.

Watch this 8 minute video and take stock of how big of a role these 6 things play in your life. From there, you’ll be able to come up with a plan on how to boost your immune system and help those you love as well.

Let me know if you have any questions for me. Drop them below. I’ll be posting more videos soon to give specific tips on how to eat, move and manage stress to fight off illness.