Stocking Up for a Healthy Quarantine

What we put on our plates every single day will affect our health either in a good way, or in a way that feeds inflammation, disease, stress and anxiety.

Due to the global Coronavirus pandemic now official, people are running to the grocery stores and panic-buying is becoming a thing.

Instead of buying in fear, here’s a short video to help you stock up with your health as the number one priority. Hoarding toilet paper and bottles of water won’t help boost your immune system and fight off infection, but what you put in your shopping cart will.

If you aren’t going to watch (even though there are some useful tips!), here are the cliff notes:

Have a high quality protein powder (plant based or grass-fed whey) on hand for smoothies as a quick and easy way to get a high nutrient meal with ingredients that won’t perish.
Beans and tofu are great plant based proteins to stock up on.
Frozen shrimp, salmon, cod are usually easily accessible and if you do eat other forms of meat, buy the highest quality that you can afford and buy it frozen.

3 types of oils are great to always have on hand.
A high quality extra virgin olive oil for cooking at medium heat or below and for dressing salads and pastas.
Avocado oil for cooking at high heat when you don’t want to taste coconut.
Coconut oil for cooking at high heat and baking.
If you can buy avocados, buy them as green and hard as you can to last longer.
Nuts and seeds: they can be both sources of protein and sources of anti-inflammatory fats. Especially, hemp seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, pistachios and nut butters.

Fruits: frozen berries are great to have on hand for smoothies or sweet snacks. When buying bananas, buy some green and some ripe. You can freeze them and keep them for future smoothies too.

Root vegetables will last a long time. Stocking up on celery, carrots, onions and sweet potatoes are helpful for making soups, stews and stirfrys. Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts and cauliflower will last longer than leafy greens. Plan accordingly.

Quinoa, rice and pastas are essential. If you watch your gluten intake (like myself), there are so many gluten-free pasta alternatives that you can swap in from time to time. I like Banza pasta, which is made of chickpea flour. Cauliflower “rice” is a great frozen option if you are cutting back on your carbohydrate intake. Sprouted grain bread is also a great frozen bread option and healthier than most store bought breads.

Have you stocked up yet? Leave me a comment below and let me know if you have any questions that I can help you with. I’m dedicated to serving as much as I can throughout this quarantine and beyond. The coronavirus is not going away any time soon. Let’s stick together and get through this as a community!