Not Today Mother****er! Kelly Lieberman’s Story of Survival

On March 12, 2017, Kelly Lieberman’s life changed forever. Foreshadowed by a company-sponsored self-defense class three weeks prior, Kelly was training for a marathon with a seemingly harmless morning run by the beach. About five miles in, she would find herself in the fight of her life during an assault in a women’s bathroom. On this week’s episode of the Art of Badassery Podcast, Kelly shares her harrowing yet powerful story. With precision, she recounts the details of what she experienced on that day, and the mental and physical self-defense strategies she used to help her survive. She also offers her thoughts on the systemic and societal changes that need to happen to improve society’s response to the victims of sexual assault globally. 

We also discussed: 

  • What is a battle cry and why you need one now
  • Safety and preparedness tips, as a runner or on any solo activities
  • How you can prevent becoming a victim of the bystander effect
  • Kelly’s retrospect on her actions during the assault and what she would have done differently in hindsight
  • Analyzing and reacting using mental and physical strategies in high stakes situations 
  • The importance of self-defense education in the workplace and beyond
  • Unexpected forms of therapy that helped Kelly through her recovery

Kelly inspires women to train in self-defense techniques and educates them on how to stay safe and fully aware while running. 

She co-founded RunBuddy, a safety app for runners, hikers and cyclists. She appeared on the cover of Runners’ World magazine and was featured in their documentary “Not Today”.  Kelly hopes that by coaching female runners on how to handle worst-case scenarios, they are empowered to run with confidence.

Connect with Kelly:

IG: @run_kiwi_run
Twitter: @run_kiwi_run

For more on Kelly’s and other stories experiencing harassment while running, you can watch Not Today, A Film by Runner’s World as referenced in this episode, on Youtube.

Connect with Jenn:

Check out Jenn’s book The Art of Badassery for more on how to level up your mind, body, and spirit and turn your setbacks into secret weapons. 

Follow Jenn on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook for badass tips and inspiration straight to your feeds. 

Remember to check out The Art of Badassery Podcast and follow or subscribe on your preferred podcast platform. Extra kudos if you leave a review with your thoughts on the episode!

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