Digital Vision Board Workshop


Picture it: a year from now you’re reflecting back at your 2024. 

You’ll either:

A – be feeling proud of your accomplishments or 
B – wishing that you could have:

– made more money
– quit your soul-sucking job
– taken your dream vacation
– started the business or side hustle
-written that book
– had a consistent workout routine
– had more fun!

So, which would you rather?

If you want to take a proactive role in creating your upcoming year…

If you want to accomplish the goals you’ve been putting off…

If you want to allow yourself to DREAM BIGGER than you’ve ever dreamt before…

JOIN ME for The Art of Badassery Digital Vision Boarding workshop!

I’ll be sharing how some of my wildest dreams have come to life, using my digital vision board as a tool.

Vision boards pull you forward towards the life you want to create. So, first we’ll get clear on that dream life.

Because guess what? So many people don’t even know what they want!

I’ll lead you through an exercise I use for myself and my clients to see, hear and feel your way to your most badass year yet. 

Then I’ll teach you exactly how to create a digital version of your vision board so you can plaster it all over your home, phone and laptop.

This is a *digital* vision board that we are creating. No need for stacks of magazines or messy glue cleanups. You’ll learn how to find images that represent what you’re calling into your life. How to get them onto your board and how to add special touches that truly represent your vision.

You will need a journal/notebook and a Canva account.

Then I’ll teach you how to plaster it all over your devices for maximum impact!

WHERE: On Zoom

3 Options to Register!

Complete one of the following:

1 – Write a book review on Amazon for The Art of Badassery book. You must have purchased the book through Amazon in order to write a review. Once you submit the review, it can take a few days for it to appear. Once it appears, take a screenshot and email it to me at [email protected].

2 – Write a podcast review for The Art of Badassery Podcast on Apple Podcasts. You must listen to a full episode before it allows you to write a review. It must be a full episode, not just the trailer. This also could take a few days for the review to appear. Once it does, take a screenshot and email it to me at [email protected].

OR if you don’t have time for either of those things and would rather pay…

Pay $33!

Q: What happens if I’ve paid and cannot make it?
A: No problem. I will record the session and send it to you within 24 hours of the live session.

Q: If I pay, and for whatever reason I can’t make it, can I get a refund?
A: Yes, but you will not receive the recording of the session.

Q: What if I don’t have a Canva account? Can I still benefit?
A: Sure. You can participate in the creative visualization process that I will walk you through. And later you can build your own vision board with magazines and scissors!