2016 Holiday Gift Guide for the Strong, Safe & Sexy Women in Your Life

The holidays are upon us and if you’re anything like me, you have not crossed off all the names on your holiday shopping list yet. If you are looking for the perfect gift for the lady in your life, whether it’s your love, daughter, bestie or office mate, you will find something here for her […]

Workout with Me and Shaun T! Get Strong, Safe & Sexy in 19 Minutes

It’s opposites day! In this workout video I lead Shaun T, Insanity and Asylum creator and fitness guru, through my Strong, Safe & Sexy Workout! In less than 20 minutes I got Shaun T sweating hard. We punch, kick, squat and stretch for a mini-complete martial arts-inspired workout. I even lead you through a quick […]

People.com Announces New Expert on My Diet is Better Than Yours

I have been holding in a secret for a very long time and it’s finally time to let it out! Thank you People.com for doing it for me  I will be joining the cast of ABC’s new weight loss reality show, My Diet is Better Than Yours and I couldn’t be more excited. The show features 5 […]

My #1 Fat Burning Tip

My #1 fat burning tip doesn’t come in a magic pill, it doesn’t involve a juice fast, or even calorie restriction. My #1 fat burning tip is including some form of HIIT training into your fitness routine. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training and can be included into your current workout routine in many […]

3 Exercises to a Strong & Sexy Core

I can’t stress enough to all my clients how important core strength is. Without it, you are more prone to injury during any kind of fitness training or everyday functional movements. Without it, your posture slumps and your belly protrudes. What exactly is the core? It’s the inner most muscle of the abdomen that wraps […]

Free Core Workout Video for Summer Beachbody

Great news if you are looking to shape up for summer now! I have made my Core Workout video available to you for free! In just 20 minutes a day, you can have sexy abs and a strong lower back to prevent injury and lower back pain in the future. No workout program is complete […]