Foods to Help Lower Anxiety and What to Avoid Altogether

Everyone feels anxious from time to time. It’s a normal part of being alive. However, people whom experience intense, excessive fear and worry over everyday situations may be suffering from an anxiety disorder. Traumatic life experiences can sometimes cause anxiety disorders and sometimes the cause is unknown. Anxiety and depression often go hand in hand. […]
2 Day Nutrition Reset to Debloat & Crush Cravings

It’s winter and I’m cold. The last thing I want to do is sip on cold juices that send my blood sugar on a roller coaster and leave me hangry! (Not to mention, but they aren’t great on my tummy either.) But, I did overdo it in December on Christmas cookies, cheese, parties and a […]
2016 Holiday Gift Guide for the Strong, Safe & Sexy Women in Your Life

The holidays are upon us and if you’re anything like me, you have not crossed off all the names on your holiday shopping list yet. If you are looking for the perfect gift for the lady in your life, whether it’s your love, daughter, bestie or office mate, you will find something here for her […]
10 Easy Ways to Cut Bread From Your Diet

Bread is a major staple in many people’s diets around the world. I do enjoy a really delicious, freshly baked, crusty on the outside and soft on the inside kind of bread. But, I also know it doesn’t help my waistline, my blood sugar, or my digestive tract so much and therefore, i limit it […]
Strong, Safe & Sexy on The Fat Burning Man Podcast

While on ABC’s reality weight loss show, My Diet is Better Than Yours, I made some really awesome connections. All of the experts and I actually got along well, even though we were technically competing against each other. That doesn’t make for great tv drama, but it does make for creating new and exciting projects […]
The Strong, Safe & Sexy Plan Podcast with Shaun T

Any podcast fans out there? How about fans of Shaun T, creator of Insanity, Cize, and Hip Hop Abs workouts and host of ABC’s tv show, My Diet is Better Than Yours? If so, you’re in luck! Shaun recently interviewed me for his Trust and Believe podcast to talk about my Strong, Safe & Sexy […]