5 Safety Tips for Every College Freshman

Now more than ever, there is a spotlight on the safety of college students.  As you send your student off to school, or prepare for college yourself, keep safety in mind to help prevent sexual assault and other crimes. Here are my 5 quick tips on staying safe this semester. Your dorm room is a […]

Ocean Safety, Sharks and Riptides

Heading to the beach for your summer vacation? Whether you’re with your friends, family or flying solo you’ll want to keep these ocean safety tips in mind before you head into the waves. Know your limits: Only swim in the designated swimming areas and ONLY when there is a lifeguard on duty. Swimming outside of […]

Summer Job Safety Tips

Throughout high school and college, I loved having part time jobs! Having a job gave me the freedom to get out of the house with no questions asked, earn my own money and meet people I wouldn’t normally meet in school. My first few part-time jobs were babysitting, but I was never naturally good with […]

Bike Safety Tips for National Bike Month

May is National Bike Month, who knew? I’m happy about it for so many reasons, but mainly because I have a new found love of biking around Santa Monica, Venice, and down to Hermosa Beach. Watch my video to find out all of my safety tips and products I use to keep safe while out […]

Stay Safe While Traveling Solo

National Travel & Tourism Week is May 2-10, 2015. Leaving the comfort of your own home, city, state and country is something everyone should experience at some point in their life. Travel gives us a broader perspective and can even increase our gratitude for the life that we live at home. Traveling solo is one […]

The Mom’s View Learns Self Defense

I applaud all of the women on The Mom’s View for keeping safety and self defense a priority for their viewers. I had the distinct pleasure of being a guest on their show and starting the conversation of safety in all areas of life including: – social media safety – safety in your home – […]