Turmeric Pumpkin Smoothie Recipe

Have i ever told you that I have arthritis in my hips? Well, I do, due to an abnormality I was born with called hip dysplasia (like German Shepherds). For that reason, and for better health in general, I need to stick to an overall anti-inflammatory diet. Inflammation in the body leads to a number […]
3 Ways to Get Your Chocolate Fix

Are you a chocoholic like I am? If so, I’m going to give you 3 Strong, Safe & Sexy ways to get your chocolate fix without the blood sugar spikes of conventional boxes of chocolate filled with sugar, high fructose corn syrup and artificial colors and flavors. Watch the video below! First, you should know […]
Persimmon Kale Smoothie Recipe

I’m a bit obsessed with persimmons and try to buy them every week at the Brentwood farmer’s market. The non-astringent Fuyu persimmons are usually the sweetest and I do peel them before eating. If the week is coming to a close and I can’t finish my persimmons before they are about to go bad, I […]